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All Belgrade WCF shows with results

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 12, December 2024:

Belgrade, 21-22 December 2024. WCF licence: L#244192. Judges: Katerina Anyfandi, Greece; Fabrice Calmes, France; Eva Kalman, Hungary; Svetlana Lalović, Serbia. Special shows: Jubilee Master rings. Fun rings: Ken boys (male cats), Forest cats (MCO, NFO, SIB), Barbie girls (female cats), Colorpoint cats, Solid cats, Tabby cats. Cat count: 135 cats in catalog, 117 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 11, May 2024:

Belgrade, 11-12 May 2024. WCF licence: L#244078. Judges: Eduard Borras, Spain; Cornelia Hungerecker, Germany; Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski, Poland; Svetlana Lalovic, Serbia; Pascal Pobe, France. Special shows: Jubilee Master rings. Fun rings: Barbie girls (female cats), Ken boys (male cats), Forest cats (MCO, NFO, SIB), Colorpoint cats (cats with 33 in EMS code). Cat count: 135 cats in catalog, 130 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 10, November 2023:

Belgrade, 11-12 November 2023. Judges: Antonello Bardella, Italy; Fabrice Calmes, France; Alina Ingor, Bulgaria; Svetlana Lalovic, Serbia; Eleonora Ruggiero, Italy; Trpimir-Frane Sulić, Croatia; Sarolta Viraghalmy, Hungary. Licence: L#234190. Special shows: Jubilee Master ring, Barbie girls (female cats), Ken boys (male cats), Forest cats (MCO, NFO, SIB), Colorpoint cats (cats with 33 in EMS code). Cat count: 175 cats in catalog, 167 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 9, March 2023:

Belgrade, 18-19 March 2023. Judges: Katerina Anyfandi, Greece; Eduard Borras, Spain; Eva Kalman, Hungary; Svetlana Lalović, Serbia; Dieter Maister, Germany; Marion Maister, Germany; Jurgen Trautmann, Germany. WCF licence: L#234058. Special shows: Coral Master ring, Elegant in black (cats with Black or Seal in color code), Dazzling cats (cats with silver, smoke or gold in color code), Mister Universe (strong male cats), Miss personality (gracious female cats), Polaris Ring. Cat count: 170 cats in catalog, 154 judged:

Meow Fest 8, October 2022:

Belgrade, October 29-30, 2022. Judges: Cornelia Hungerecker, Germany; Aija Nuke, Latvia; Daniel Counasse, Belgium; Pascal Pobe, France; Svetlana Lalovic, Serbia. WCF licence: L#224109. Organisers: RS-0287 Le PETit Serbia, FBU BG-0242, A.F.G. GR-0271. Special shows: Triple Master ring. Cat count: 140 cats in catalog, 133 judged:

Meow Fest 7, January 2022:

Belgrade, January 22-23, 2022. Judges: Albert Kurkowski, Poland; Jurgen Trautmann, Germany; Beverly Elian, Romania; Edina Csora, Hungary; Eva Kalman, Hungary; Svetlana Lalović, Serbia. WCF licence: L# 224019. Organiser: RS-0287 Le PETit Serbia. Special shows: Master ring, Double Master ring. Cat count: 146 cats in catalog, 135 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 6, January 2020:

Belgrade, January 11-12, 2020. Judges: Marion Maister (Germany, AB), Dieter Maister (Germany, AB), Eleonora Ruggiero (Italy, AB), Jurgen Trautmann (Germany, AB). WCF licence: L# 204051. Organisers: DE-0103 Deutsche Edelkatze, IT-0176 Associazione Felina Italiana, RS-0287 Le PETit Serbia. Cat count: 132 cats in catalog, 100 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 5, January 2019:

Belgrade, January 12-13, 2019. Licence: L# 194076. Organising WCF club: RS-0287 Le PETit, Serbia. Judges: Cornelia Hungerecker, Germany; Alina Ingor, Bulgaria; Wojciech-Albert Kurkowski, Poland; Edina Raposa, Hungary; Svetlana Lalović, Serbia; Sarolta Virághalmy, Hungary. Special programs: double judging on Saturday, Bengal and British BIS, and Jubilee Rings. Cat count: 125 cats in catalog, 115/113 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 4, January 2018:

Belgrade, January 13-14, 2018. Licence: L# 184056. Organising WCF clubs: Le PETit, Serbia; HungaroCat, Hungary; Magnificats, Romania; Association Felina Greece. JudgesDr Olga Sergeevna Mironova, Russian Federation; Yan Lavrentyev, Latvia; Jeļena Lavrentyeva, Latvia; Katerina Anyfandi, Greece; Svetlana Lalović, Serbia. Special shows: Forest cats Special (MCO, NFO, SIB, Master, Double and Triple Master rings. Cat count: 124 cats in catalog, 110 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 3, December 2016:

Belgrade, December 10-11, 2016. Organised by: Club Le PETit Serbia / WCF RS-0287. Invited judges: Anneliese Hackmann, Francoise Dubois and Edina Raposa. License: L# 164227. Special shows: Le PETit HHP Cup on Saturday, Jubilee ring on Sunday. Cat count: 105 cats in catalog, 88 judged:

Meow fest poster

Meow Fest 2, January 2016:

Belgrade, January 9-10, 2016. Organised by: Stammbaum Germany, Le PETit Serbia and Magnificats Romania. Invited AB judges: Anneliese Hackmann,  Andreas Möbius and Marion Meister. License: L# 164043. Special shows: Master Ring, Double Master Ring, Triple Master Ring. Cat count: 106 cats in catalog, 92 judged:

Meow Fest 1, December 2014:

Belgrade, December 14, 2014: Judges: WCF Secretary General Andreas Möbius, Germany (AB, WCF); Marie-Claude Lemaigre, Belgium (AB, WCF) and Edina Raposa, Hungary (SLH, WCF). Cat count: 97 cats in catalog, 78 judged: